Introducing Katja Humar - the author of this blog.

My name is Johannes Bergfors and I’m the founder of Meeting Mountains. Pretty much everything else on this web page is about what Meeting Mountains do and how. But just as we are sharing our love for the Soča Valley to our customers, we would like to spread knowledge to anyone online wanting to know more about this fairy tale place.

Katja Humar sitting on mountain top over the Predil lake. Rabelj in the background.

Introducing: Katja Humar, a local writer and journalist with a passion for travelling and telling stories. She will write articles for us. You can expect a mix of old and new tales and stories who have never before been told in writing - like folk lore, gossip through out the ages and beautifully told tales of people, places and happenings referring to the Soča Valley.

Johannes Bergfors: Tell us about yourself.

Katja Humar: I am a curious soul who grew up in the Soča Valley - spoiled with nature. A passionate traveler, outdoor enthusiast with culture interest to balance it out. I enjoy writing, dancing and experimenting with photography. I believe life is about learning so I love seeking and learning about everyday lives, local cultures, abnormally normal, about when, where, who, how, and why.

JB: Why are you passionate about writing?

KH: Writing is the way I best express my thoughts. It allows me to be creative and get to play with words. I love writing because it makes you think about how you express yourself. You pay attention to each word, think about different meanings and even create new ones. I started writing pretty early with upfront and sincere child stories. I wrote all my egocentric teenage suffering in one book and then I got interested in saving the World's biggest issues instead. Conflicted between studying graphic design or literature, I decided to get a masters degree in journalism.  I was naturally driven to write longer articles and future stories about people, culture, and art. I believe written words can inspire peoples' imagination, and leave space for critical thinking. 


JB: What do you think is special about the Soča Valley for visitors?

KH: Even though I lived here for most of my life I still find many things that impress me! So I think that for visitors (especially those who enjoy nature, outdoor sports, and people searching for places where they can experience the true local way of life, local products and learn something from it) this is a perfect place for them. It has almost everything in a small place (nature, sports, inspiration, history, gastronomy, wine, beer, art, music, very remote places) except big city life. Even Ljubljana lacks this one!

Meeting Mountains are very fortunate to have you on board Katja. We look forward to reading your stories. Thank you for your time. 

Johannes Bergfors

Johannes Bergfors is the founder of Meeting Mountains. In 2017 he was comfortable in a soft couch, behind a flaming pan and outside of a flying aircraft - but not sleeping in a tent. That needed to change and he moved to the Soča Valley.


On top of Svinjak; searching for pigs in the pigsty