Portraits of mountains, waterfalls, happenings and people - offered in English and Slovene.
Meeting Mountains want to tell stories that doesn’t otherwise get told. We dare to turn the stones that have been untouched for a long time. Curious foreigners may get an insight into local customs, hidden gems and special characters of the Soča Valley.
The author of the blog is local journalist Katja Humar - born and raised in the valley. She is passionate about painting articles with her colourful words, expressions and images and we are very grateful to have her on board.
Read more about Katja or read her work below!
Thread by thread - Slovenia’s first and finest saffron
Autumn. The Soča Valley dazzles in yellow, red, and gold shades. Mist covers the morning down by the Tolminka river. It's early, and everyone is asleep. Well, almost everyone. Ivan Mangani and Anja Bukudur are leaning over their field of gold - hand-picking tiny purple flowers. Flower after flower, thread by thread, they patiently created an inspiring story about Slovenia’s first saffron cultivation.
Cvet za cvetom, nitka za nitko do pravega slovenskega žafrana
Jesen. Dolina Soče je prepleskana z rumenimi, rdečimi in zlatimi odtenki. Meglica zakriva jutro ob reki Tolminki. Zgodaj je, vsi še spijo. No, skoraj vsi. Ivan Mangani in Anja Bukudur se sklanjata nad svojim zlatim poljem in potrpežljivo nabirata drobne vijolične cvetove. Cvet za cvetom, nit za nitjo potrpežljivo ustvarjata navdihujočo zgodbo o prvem pravem slovenskem žafranu.
The buzzing sounds of Slovenia
The colours, the smell, the gentle warmth. It is peaceful and cosy on the flower meadows and for a second it seems like heaven. But if you listen very closely the lively bird song is joined by the buzzing rhythm of the insect world. Spring has arrived in Slovenia and Carniola bees are in full swing performing their bee dance.
What is Slovenian Food? Here are 4 Traditional Soča Valley Dishes
Home to magnificent peaks, deep canyons, waterfalls, and the outstanding Soča river, the valley is a real treat! If you love food and you are seeking an authentic experience, you are in the right place. From Trenta to Nova Gorica, the Soča Valley region hosts some of the best fine dining places in the country, but let’s start where it all began – in the mountains.
Kaj se kuha v Posočju?
V dolini, ki se razteza od Trente do Nove Gorice, se dobro je. Turistične kmetije, simpatični bistroji, kulinarični festivali in vrhunske restavracije, ponudba je pisana. A vrnimo se tja, kjer se je vse začelo - v gore.
Tolmin Gorges: To Hell and Back
Yes. This post is about Tolmin gorges, one of Tolmin’s main touristic attractions. No. It is not a tip, guide, or a top-five photo spot post. It is a story about the stories of the stories. Old folktales and semi-historical tales that shaped the place and emphasised the many characters of this unique nature. Welcome to the parallel worlds of wild women, devils, and Dante Alighieri’s version of hell.
Tolminska korita: k hudiču in nazaj
Tako je. Prispevek govori o Tolminskih koritih, najbolj znani tolminski turistični znamenitosti. To pa ne. Prispevek ni opis atrakcije, ne vodnik, niti ne vsebuje namigov za top pet fotografskih kotičkov. Je zgodba o zgodbah zgodb in tako nazaj. Stare ljudske legende, poimenovanja in pol zgodovinske zgodbe so skozi leta oblikovale kraj, poudarile številne obraze edinstvene narave in ji podarile glas. Dobrodošli v vzporednem svetu divjih bab, hudičev in pekla Danteja Alighierija.
Toni, the Brazilian from Bovec
Toni Demarco is a Brazilian watersport guide who landed in the Soča Valley and stayed. If there is an adventure going on, he is never far.
Toni, Brazilec iz Bovca
Toni Demarco je posoški vodnik vodnih športov - Brazilec, ki je pred desetimi leti pristal na Soči in vse kaže, da bo tukaj tudi ostal. Je človek akcije. Če se kje dogaja športna dejavnost z vsaj kančkom adrenalina, Toni ne more biti prav daleč.
The story of the partisan printery in the woods
Any news from the woods? A story of how a partisan print house hidden deep in the Zadlaščica valley used to print illegal press during the WW2.
Zgodba o pozabljeni partizanski tiskarni
Je kaj novic iz gozda? Zgodba o mali partizanski tehniki, ki je globoko v soteski Zadlaščice, tiskala prepovedane besede.
Novice iz Posočja Dec 2020
-Virtualna tržnica s pestrim izborom lokalnih pridelkov tudi v Bovcu
-Razvijanje zimske turistične ponudbe v Logu pod Mangartom
-Tolminska občina participativni del proračuna daje v mlade roke
-Posočje brez smeti
Soča Valley News Dec 2020
-Online market offers Slovenian vegetables to Bovec
-Log pod Mangartom develop their ski area
-Municipality of Tolmin offers youth chance to suggest use of budget
-Zero waste project initiated in Soča Valley